Thursday, October 4, 2012

Waiting For A Star

"To us also, through every star, through every blade of grass, is not God made visible if we will open our minds and our eyes"...(Thomas Carlyle). What if I told you that you are a star. Yes, as cliche as that sounds, if women valued themselves more and felt like stars, they wouldn't lower themselves to giving themselves away, being manipulated or otherwise self degrading behaviors. Women also lower themselves when they think they are being powerful by being caddy, manipulative, selfish, cruel or controlling. Being confident exudes a presence like no other. It is the ability to be firm, aware, savvy yet compassionate and caring. Our greatest strength as women is our ability to feel. I believe a confident woman is strong in her sensibilities yet emotionally balanced. I am proud of the fact that I am feeling oriented, yet I will not allow my feelings to get in the way of a decision that is best for me. Women need to balance their masculine (logical) with their feelings. Often men dismiss women because women get bogged down and overwhelmed with their feelings. When a woman is consumed by emotions, she cannot think clearly or necessarily protect herself. Men have a different challenge in today's society. They need to become more comfortable with their feminine sides, thus feelings. I have come across men that say they feel. They will cry, appear to emote and talk the talk, yet they are so far gone from feeling that it's astounding. Those men deceive themselves and women. They can be the most ruthless, heartless men of them all because they believe they are really feeling when in fact they have learned to use emotions to get what they want. Hey, women are guilty of that as well. I cannot stress enough how being honest with oneself is the first step in an authentic life. Being a star means being true to yourself. So many people are living false lives, hiding behind their masks. I come across so few genuine people. Why are people afraid to be themselves? It's not an easy process to really face yourself. It's much easier to dodge and weave your way through life. There is a price to pay for that however. You leave such a karmic mess by manipulating people, that you'll have to come back to make amends for all the harm you've imposed. Living a facade is such deception however and the easy way out. People live that way because it gives them a sense of control and safety. Daring to be yourself means to shake loose old beliefs, push through fears and to actually feel vulnerable. The lessons of the here and now are all about waking up. An awakening is really just what it sounds like...suddenly becoming aware of what you had not seen before and finally coming into your own existence. My message today...dare to find your light within, to be authentic, free and honest in who you are. Being a star is a gift that lies dormant in us all....but few are brave enough to uncover our unlimited potential. "You must have chaos within you to give birth to a dancing star"...(Friedrich Nietzsche).

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