"A circle is the reflection of eternity. It has no beginning and it has no end - and if you put several circles over each other, then you get a spiral"...(Maynard James Keenan). I can't believe it's been over a month since I have written a blog article! I've been busier than ever doing numerous activities for Girl Scouts and time has just flown by. While hiking today, I walked my usual hike in the opposite direction. The hike is a 4.5 mile loop around and it passes a water fall and heads up Lizard Rock mountain and back down to the parking lot. While hiking it heading in the other direction, I was struck by the fact that my life has run a similar course. Symbolically, the theme of my journey of late is that I have been offered the chance to see every relationship I've ever had from a different perspective. Like hiking a trail in the opposite direction, everything takes on a new perspective when you are seeing things you might have missed while walking the path in one direction. From only one perspective, you might have missed flowers hiding behind trees and the way a hill that is slippery while walking down is easier to hike in reverse. Much of my life has been a series of re-do's, a second chance to experience things from a new perspective. I like my new perspective because I can see now how limited my understanding of relationships and people was in the past. My old perspective kept me trapped in untruths and in beliefs that somehow I was not good enough, strong enough or worthy. While hiking my path in reverse, I've been able to see people and myself so much more clearly. Knowing both perspectives has freed me from self limiting beliefs and thoughts that were just partial truths. Once you can see things from both perspectives, you can see the picture in it's wholeness which offers a vivid picture to draw from, rather than only partial truths. I want to clarify that walking an old path from a new perspective does not mean staying stuck in the past as so many people often do. That is more akin to hiking in one direction and never allowing yourself to entertain the possibility that there may be different ways of looking at things. Often people will just freeze their limited perspective and stay on that trail endlessly. Getting a second chance to experience things from a new perspective is a gift and a challenge because it automatically frees you from the past if you stay the course and allow yourself to see where your blind spots were. As a little test, take a different path to work or walk/run your usual route in the opposite direction just to see how different things look in reverse. Then, make the connection to your life and what areas you still need to work on based on some unfinished business or wounds yet to be healed. "Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not a truth"...(Marcus Aurelius).