“Patience is the companion of wisdom"....(Saint Augustine). I've been reflecting a lot lately about being receptive. I've discovered that the more solid I have become in myself, the less work I have to do to attract the things I want in life. I always thought that I had to work hard at everything and still wondered if I deserved the payoff. Many people struggle with that issue. Many of us come from generations of people who had to work hard in life. My grandparents had a very strong work ethic and their parents had it even harder. I suppose every generation improves on the lessons of their elders. I'm not saying that effort is still not necessary but I am living proof that the more secure you are with yourself, the easier life becomes. In dating, I have seen that more than ever. I sit back now and let the process come to me. I don't question my value and worth. I know I've got a lot to offer and that the people I need to learn the most from, will cross my path. Sometimes in fact, if we trust in the process, we just might be surprised what comes our way. I know many women who put too much effort into dating and they end up disappointed over and over. They fear that they won't find the right person instead of just trusting the process. Even a simple coffee date can help you or the other person learn something valuable which helps you grow in some way. The same can be said with friendships, jobs and chance meetings because every experience is another chance at learning something new. Also, when you project fear, you attract the very thing you fear instead of attracting what you want. That is why the more receptive you are, the more you are trusting yourself and life to unfold in the way that is ultimately the best for your optimal growth. Instead of trying to navigate the entire process, sit back and see what comes your way when you hold a positive yet open image of who you are and where you are heading. My lesson then from all of this reflection? Life is the art of being versus doing. Being means receptivity versus active searching. I believe that we receive more when we are still. Simply stated....accept vs seeking, chasing, pursuing. There is no doubt a time for pursuing, but you have to listen to your heart as to when to seek and when to stay still. Active stillness reflects a true confidence and trust in life. Active stillness means deep reflection about what you want and learning from each and every opportunity and experience that comes your way. “Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions"...(Unknown).
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