Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Busted Heart

"The heart has reasons that reason cannot know"...(Blaise Paschal). I am pretty intuitive, yet reasoning of the heart still alludes me. There is so much more to our journey's than meet the eye. Our lessons are numerous and often things are unfolding in our lives in an order and manner in which only the Universe may understand. I suppose that is to teach us faith and to enjoy the element of surprise, wonder and learn to appreciate the unexpected. I hear people plead out loud, but "why?." That is the universal question. If you keep asking why however, then you miss the opportunity to learn from that very moment. The maze looks unclear when you are in the middle of it. From above however, it all makes sense and the path looks crystal clear. Our hearts are our navigation's on automatic pilot if you just trust that it is navigating us precisely where we are meant to be at any given moment. Even when you override your navigation, question things and head in the wrong direction for a bit...whose to say that is the "wrong" way? Maybe that was the exact lesson you needed to show you that you need to trust your heart once and for all. All of those seemingly wrong turns may lead us in circles or to a dead end sometimes, but each time we end up stronger and hopefully more in tune to our hearts. Lesson after lesson, through the maze we go....and so our search continues. Part of our hearts journey is mending our broken hearts. Everyone has a busted heart really. "Ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation"...(Kahlil Gibran). Each one of us have wounds from love...that's the proof that we love. It's like the badges I give my Girl Scouts for mastering some skill, our wounded hearts are our badges of honor. If someone does not have a broken heart, then I say that perhaps they have never risked themselves on love or that they have a different kind of broken heart, one shrouded in isolation and fear. Others use their wounded hearts as a shield to create excuses to hold onto anger and blame. As I sit here reflecting....I wonder if our busted hearts are our biggest lesson of all, beckoning us to heal by continuing to love. Our busted hearts teach us to cherish love and ourselves by allowing love to blossom within us against all odds. That way, even when we feel stuck in our maze, perhaps on a path that offers many challenges.... we display a strong faith by loving, even as we may be falling down. Again, it's our own universal navigation, letting us know that we are truly never lost...and never so hurt that we can't get back up again. Sadness flies on the wings of the morning and out of the heart of darkness comes the light"...(Jean Giraudoux).

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