There is something so simple and pure about the saying, "Don't worry, be happy." It's a process however, sorting through your fears and doubts. We live in a society based on perpetuating fear and worry that it takes a lot of awareness to keep yourself from spinning into fear. Why do people worry so much? It is a form of disempowerment. If you believe in the lie that you are powerless, then you will feel like a victim of life, rather than a creator of your reality. The truth is that we are powerful but have been conditioned to give away and deny our power. The flip side is that there are those in powerful positions that abuse power and benefit by keeping people pessimistic, disempowered and afraid. "Humankind is being tested to become much more consciously aware of how to use the power of thought"....(Barbara Marciniak-Path of Empowerment). Fear keeps people from listening to their hearts and keeps them frozen. You have to conquer the battle within first and subdue and control your fears. Whatever you fear you will either manifest or perceive...since you create your reality. I have a client who has been incredibly miserable in her marriage for many years. Her spouse essentially told her years ago that they could just "do their own thing" as long as they kept up the pretense for their kids and families. She bought into that reality, until recently when she found herself falling in love with someone else. The perpetuated fear however is about the kids. She fears that her kids will be upset if she leaves her spouse. In truth though, she admits that her kids are very aware that the marriage is over. The kids never see them kiss, touch, laugh or spend time together. The kids have witnessed an unhappy partnership. Her fears have kept her frozen and now life is offering her a wake up call. When people worry, their fears color reality. The opposite is true too. Like the case of the woman who fears her kids will be upset, if she chooses an empowered path, then she can confront her failing marriage with truth and integrity. She can give her children the chance to process their emotions about the divorce and trust that they will grow from the experience. Otherwise the lesson is one of disempowerment, secrets, unhappy parents and lacking the trust to allow their children to grow emotionally. Whatever the situation is, whether it is the apprehension of driving on the interstate or worries about finances, criticism or speaking up for yourself, never let fear stand in your way. Just remember again, that whatever you fear or worry about, you will attract one way or another. Let life reflect to you, through what you are attracting or avoiding, what your hidden fears are. Set your intentions with the conscious choice to change your thoughts and thus change what you attract. Don't worry, be happy and watch your world transform as what you feel and attract begins to change radically. It really is that simple. "By changing ourselves, by loving ourselves, the message we deliver to our children carries the seeds of love and truth. These seeds go onto our children, and these seeds can change their lives. Imagine how our children will grow up when we share with them the seeds of love instead of the seeds of fear, judgement, shame, or blame"...(Don Miguel Ruiz-The Voice of Knowledge).