At every store we are inundated with reminders of the upcoming holiday, Valentine's Day. My kids have been making out their Valentine's Day cards for their classes and many of my clients are discussing their plans, frustrations and desires regarding the 14th. My 10 year old son picked out a box of cards that he thought looked cute, because they have bunnies on them. He did not bother to look at what the cards said however and neither did I. This morning, my 6 year old daughter started reading the cards out loud and I almost choked on my cereal because I was surprised and laughing so hard. Here are what his cute bunny cards say: "Looks shouldn't matter but I'm glad they do; The world is run by cute; Don't be mad just because I'm cutest; I just can't stop adorable;" and the most surprising one...."I like you even though you're dumb!" I am not joking, these are real cards, sold in the children's section with all of the other Valentine's. They should really be called, "Narcissistic Bunny cards." I'm glad that we caught this in time before my son did serious harm to the self esteem of some of the kids in his class and ended up with his first harsh lesson in crying girls, the principals office and a call home. My daughter picked out Hannah Montana cards for the girls in her class and basketball ones for the boys. The Hannah Montana cards are a bit more empowering with sayings like: "You're one in a million Valentine;" and, "Be your own star Valentine." The basketball cards are simple and to the point with a picture of a basketball star on one side and "Happy Valentine's Day" on the other. Most people have a tough time navigating through Valentine's Day. Men seem to feel pressure to buy flowers and candy. I don't blame men from rebelling against that one. There is a lot of pressure to live up to an image and both men and women get caught up in it. The whole holiday is so heavily marketed and women buy into the idea that you are only loved if you receive cards, candy, flowers, gifts, or jewelry. "According to the Greeting Card Association, an estimated one billion valentine cards are sent each year, making Valentine's Day the second largest card-sending holiday of the year"...(History.com). The Greeting card association also estimates that 85% of the cards sent each year are sent by women. That is an interesting statistic. What does that statistic show about men and women? The month of February is really about love. Based on history, it seems that February has been a month with rituals and ceremonies surrounding mating, crop cycles, spring approaching, and variations of history relating to St. Valentine and how he martyred himself for love. Instead of buying into the marketed version of Valentine's Day, how about starting your own traditions. This has been my best Valentine's Day month ever. I went shopping to buy some of my favorite items for me! As I was shopping, I thought about all of the things that I love. I bought an all weather jacket for hiking, new workout clothes, a swim suit, a new book, red vines (candy), dark chocolate and an 80's CD with various artists (with songs like Rock Steady and You Don't Have to Take Your Clothes Off). This will be my new tradition, to buy some of my favorites every February to get me ready for spring. Anything I receive from anyone else will be appreciated but not expected. So make it a month of valuing yourself and finding creative ways to express your love to others. The better challenge is to take it a step further and continue the spirit of love every day and every month throughout the year. "You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection"....(Buddha).
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