"All great men are gifted with intuition. They know without reasoning or analysis, what they need to know"...(Alexis Carrel). Tonight I watched one of my all time favorite movies, "August Rush." It is a little known movie that has more heart than most movies released these days. It is a touching story about something I repeat often....following your heart. The movie is about a boy who feels the music and he intuitively knows that the music is leading him to his parents. It is also a love story and shows how sometimes adults can lose their way. It is about gut feelings and an inner knowledge that the "energy" is guiding them. I suppose you could say that the movie is very metaphysical in nature. Have you ever had an intuitive moment that guided you to call someone or to head in a certain direction? Most people have. Often though, people dismiss their intuition in favor of logic. Seems to me that intuition is very much as real (if not more) than what is concrete and logical. We are all actually very telepathic but it is like a muscle that needs to be stretched. With practice and continued awareness, your intuition can get stronger. "The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift"....(Albert Einstein). Intuition attempts to give us messages all of the time if you just begin to quiet the mind and listen. Intuition is relentless however and if you keep dismissing it during waking hours, you will be bombarded with intuitive messages in your dream life. Even if you are in touch with your intuitive self, our dream life is another venue for receiving guidance. In counseling many individuals, more people than you might expect have disclosed to me "wacky" moments where intuition was guiding them. Often people are afraid to tell others because they fear seeming crazy. From men and women I hear story after story of synchronicity, messages and dreams showing them the way. You might be surprised to know that some of the most logical guys have secretly told me that they have had intuitive moments. Intuition is an energy that cannot be seen and falls into the realm of spirit. It is our souls way of getting our attention. It comes from the depths of who we are as well as the unseen all around us. It's like when you are heading in one direction and there comes such a strong pull to take a different road. You follow the intuition, just knowing that it "feels right." Later you discover that the new path led you right where you were suppose to be. When it just feels right, even when your logic is sounding alarms, you know that intuition is guiding you. It takes practice in faith and trust to really begin to follow your intuition. We live in a world that honors the rational and logical, so many people are on their own in trying to navigate life using their intuition. The positive side however is that you are not considered too crazy these days if you talk about messages, spirit guides or intuition thanks to shows like John Edwards, Oprah and numerous psychics with books on the market or shows on cable. I received a message in a dream while on vacation that I was going to be pulled over on my way home from the trip but that I would just receive a warning. The following day, I remembered the dream and I made sure to follow the speed limits pretty faithfully. At dusk I was distracted with the kids and suddenly realized that I had missed my turn, a turn I have never missed in all of the years I've been going to Lake Placid. Just at that moment I noticed a police car flip around and turn on its lights. There it was, I was being pulled over just like in the dream. I was actually smiling when he came up to the window because I already knew that he was only going to issue me a warning. He told me to slow down and directed me back to my turn. Once I took off and turned back around to take my turn, I noticed that he had pulled someone else over already. Several minutes later on down the road, several more police cars went speeding by with lights and sirens. Apparently, the next person he pulled over was not just a warning. The lesson was that he needed to pull me over to be in the right place at the right time to pull the next guy over, who was clearly someone who needed to be detained by the police. The dream was intuition giving me a message to not sweat it when I got pulled over. I was also not suppose to avoid it (and couldn't any way), so I played my part beautifully. Intuition offers us a gift every day, the gift of divine knowledge and opportunities to tune into a deeper meaning to life. Honor the intuitive in you and begin to wake up to the guidance it can offer you. "For whereas the mind works in possibilities, the intuitions work in actualities, and what you intuitively desire, that is possible to you. Whereas what you mentally or "consciously" desire is nine times out of ten impossible; hitch your wagon to a star, or you will just stay where you are"...(D. H. Lawrence). "Intuition comes very close to clairvoyance; it appears to be the extrasensory perception of reality"...(Alexis Carrel). "The only real valuable thing is intuition"...(Albert Einstein).
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