"People never leave, we are always here in our past and future lives"...(Paulo Coelho-The Aleph). What if our journey is a cycle of many lives instead of just one. We know in modern psychology that we all repeat patterns from our childhoods. What if our patterns go deeper than that? What if our patterns have been repeating for lifetimes? In addition, what if we have opportunities to grow and shift those patterns in each life so that you can become more empowered. Let's say that in an early tribal life, a young man was in love and had an opportunity to follow his heart but instead he chose to follow orders to marry the chiefs daughter from another tribe, even though he wasn't in love with her. Even after he married the other Chiefs daughter, he betrayed his wife by sneaking off with the young woman he loved. The pattern started there....a man who did not follow his heart and ultimately the two women he betrayed. Eventually he was threatened by his tribe to never see the woman he was cheating with because she was promised to marry another warrior. He complied but slowly lost all of his power because he was no longer connected to his heart and he turned into an evil warrior. The only way he could have power was to take it from others by victimizing the innocent. He had not always been evil but once he disconnected from his heart, he had lost his way. Let's just say that those same players continued the same pattern, lifetime after lifetime. Each lifetime, he would meet up with the love of his life and each time he'd be tested about whether he'd choose her or would he follow obligation. The scenario may look different each time but the souls play out the same pattern in a soul pact that the three of them made to help each of them grow. As lifetimes pass, the man makes the same error in judgement each lifetime and he betrays his heart every time and sinks into despair, anger and darkness. The women grow and change however. The women slowly take their power back each time and turn from victims to turning the tables on him by making different choices. They shift their part in the scenario, even though he hasn't. Each lifetime is an opportunity for each soul but change is a matter of choice. Let's look at another soul. He was a fighter pilot killed in World War I. He left behind a wife and several children. The wife was so overwhelmed by his loss that she sank into anger and depression. His soul never really progresses because her anger keeps him around her instead of his soul moving on. Yes, his spirit stays around the family out of guilt. Fast forward to their next life and these two souls agree to come back to heal their karma together. He comes back to meet and marry her one day to make amends for having left her in the last life and she agrees to work on forgiveness and possibly to let him go this time if needed. They meet and marry but the pattern repeats. This time, he stays by her side after they marry even though she cheats on him. Her anger toward him has been carried on from the previous life and she keeps him imprisoned with his guilt. He doesn't even know why he stays and endures her abuse. Something inside his soul is compelled to never leave her because he's trying to make it right from the past life. She doesn't know why she cheats on him and practically hates him. She has not learned to forgive or to let him go, so they are caught up in a repeat of the past lifetime, even though the situation looks different. The other irony is that she is literally reliving the past life with her obsession of all things Victorian....frozen in time. When people surround themselves with items and decor from another era, chances are. they too are frozen in a past life pattern. When souls repeat the past life pattern without learning or growing from the lesson, chances are they will have to repeat the same lessons in the next life. Their empowerment would come from one or the other saying good-bye to the other, which would break the imprisonment he feels with her. Every soul is sent guides and angels to help them on their journey. Most people are pretty unaware of the guidance they have but some feel it as synchronicity, dreams, deja vu and intuition. What if you are repeating a past life pattern and that you too have brought in some of the same souls that you have been with before to help you play it out. In addition, what if you have progressed and souls come back into your life to reward you for your hard work. It sure makes our lives look a lot different if you are open to the possibility that we are only seeing a small part of the picture. That means that every soul you have been entangled with was for a purpose to bring you to your next lesson or to complete a lesson. If you trust in a higher power, then you feel that there is just so much more at work than meets the eye. At one point in time, people believed the earth was flat...so it's not hard to believe that we may just be starting to realize that our lives are so much more infinite than what we see. "It's what you do in the present that will redeem the past and thereby change the future"...(Paulo Coelho-The Aleph).
"Lifetimes"(By Sheryl Crow)
Take off your halo, take off your golden crown
The spotlight's off, the shades are down
Where are your friends now, they're ghosts in a windowpane
Sometimes it's hard to stay the same
We can live lifetimes in a single day
No matter what you do, I love you anyway
You say if you're lost inside; well, I get lonely, too
Even in the worst of times, I give my best to you
I dreamed I was swimming, fighting the undertow
Drifting in circles, no place to go
And when I woke up, I was wringing wet
So much stronger than before
We can live lifetimes in a single day
No matter what you do, I love you anyway
You say if you're lost inside; well, I get lonely, too
Even in the worst of times, I give my best to you
The words escape
The silence made
The looks betray
I'm not afraid
We can live lifetimes in a single day
No matter what you do, I love you anyway
You say if you're lost inside; well, I get lonely, too
Even in the worst of times, I give my best to you
Even in the worst of times, I give my best to you
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