Saturday, August 25, 2012


One of my newest favorite songs is "Paradise" by Coldplay. I love the message in the song, that the girl finds her paradise when she falls asleep at night and dreams. Paradise is something we create in our minds and is a reality that we can visit anytime. The messages about life I have received lately is that people often get lazy and even those who say they are in touch with their highest purpose, often take the easy way out. When people do not listen to their intuition and ignore the numerous messages sent to them through synchronicity, they become more cut off from their true purpose. Yes, free will is allowed but veering off course always comes with a hefty price tag.  Hey, its not unlike school. If you get lazy with your school work, you miss homework assignments and you don't study, you will get bad grades or perhaps risk not graduating. Earth school works the same way. In fact, the lazier you get with your earthy lessons, you end up feeling indifferent, cut off and purposeless. Our spirit guides have great compassion and patience with us but they invest more energy in those displaying the most potential by doing their work. When you slack off, let fear block you or just refuse to follow the signs, the guides expend less and less energy on you. Come on, think about's just like in our lives. If a friend keeps coming to us for advice and they never listen but instead just ignore everything you say, how likely are you to expend too much more time and energy helping them? Chances are, you begin to pull away, getting more frustrated with their laziness or plain refusal to change. It's their choice to stay stuck but you are not going to keep helping someone who is not helping themselves. Our spirit guides work on similar principals. Guidance is always available but guides don't focus so much energy on those who refuse to do their work. When guides begin to depart, you feel an energy shift and life becomes more mundane and routine. You may even notice that you have less energy and it takes more effort to get things done. I find the biggest perk to staying connected and doing my homework is that things fall into place more easily and everything I need gravitates toward me without much effort. In essence, the one way to create more of a paradise on earth is to stay in tune to doing your emotional and spiritual work. As the saying goes, "energy follows thought" so staying positive, focused and centered on growing as a person ensures positive results. Sure, there are tests along the way, but those tests are to help you grow more as a person and to help you get stronger. In addition, some trials are a part of soul contracts made by individuals, cleaning up old karma. Healing old karma is like mending fences, shifting the energy so that your soul becomes elevated. Everyone is attracting the exact individuals into their lives that they need for their highest good and for the most growth for their soul. If you attract someone that hurts you, then ask yourself what you might be replaying or what you needed to help you heal so that you could progress through this lesson. Many people just remain stuck in their pain because they are afraid to live empowered lives. Victimhood is a choice of perception and the easy way out while true empowerment takes effort and work.  Paradise is at hand however, once you take the steps necessary to keep moving forward, excited every day at the opportunities waiting around each corner for another opportunity to graduate to the next level. "When the storm is over and the night falls and the moon is out in all its glory and all you're left with is the rhythm of the sea, of the waves, you know what God intended for the human race, you know what paradise is"....(Harold Pinter).

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