Alchemy is about transformation, literally translated as medieval chemistry concerned with turning metal into gold. The idea of alchemy in ones life is to transform your heart and soul into gold. In the book, The Alchemist, the character sets out on a journey to find a treasure....but the journey turns out to be the treasure and the pot of gold is within him. We are all on our journey to transform, become present, conscious and fulfill each of our own destinies. As Eckart Tolle writes in, The New Earth, "A reversal of your priorities comes about when the main purpose for doing what you do becomes the doing itself, or rather, the current of consciousness that flows into what you do." He states that, "The modalities of awakened doing are acceptance, enjoyment, and enthusiasm." The idea of acceptance is simple, that we begin to take responsibility for everything in our lives. When we take responsibility for what we are doing and for each moment we have, we become empowered. That is not to say that you may not want to stay in the current situation you are in, but it is accepting that you are there in the present moment until you can shift the situation fully. There is no "victim" energy or "poor me" or any type of suffering if you enter into a state of acceptance. The idea is to release ego from dictating your state of being and allowing a state of empowerment. Enjoyment is all about channeling joy into everything you do. Yes, there can be a state of enjoyment in vacuuming as well as going for a hike. Enjoyment is also a state of being, when you are in a conscious state of being in the present moment and bringing the energy of joy into life. It is not seeking out activities that bring you joy. Then the state of being is outside of you, not in you. If joy is in you, then you bring it to everything that you do! "Enthusiasm means there is a deep enjoyment in what you do plus the added element of a goal or a vision that you work toward (Eckhart Tolle)." Everything in your life should be able to enter one of the three categories, acceptance, enjoyment or enthusiasm. If you cannot stand something in your life and you truly cannot accept it, then you might want to stop that dynamic or activity because it is clearly not helpful to your journey. I notice that being in the moment allows me to notice the gorgeous clouds, while I may be sitting in traffic. I don't mind running errands, because I enjoy the music I listen to in the car and feel satisfied at completing things that needed to be done. I was able to enjoy a five hour detour on my drive to Vermont, because I allowed myself to embrace the moment. I also have things in my life that I want to shift, but am in a state of acceptance as I sort out all of the changes that need to be made. We all have things we need to accept until the time comes to shift the situation or circumstances. Evaluate your life and shift your perception to being more conscious and aware. What can you accept, rather than resist or complain about? Surrender to acceptance and take responsibility for your life. By being more conscious you can also bring enjoyment to everything that you do. What simple activities can you allow yourself to enjoy? Life is so much more fulfilling when you can consciously, accept and enjoy each and every moment. With that said, the more fully present you are, then you make room for enthusiasm to enter your life which brings you to an even higher state of being. Allow alchemy in your life.........shift your awareness into the present moment and allow the transformation of your spirit to begin.
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