Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Fight or Flight

"The quality of the imagination is to allow and not to freeze"...(Ralph Waldo Emerson). In life, just like our imaginations, things go better when we allow the process versus fighting it. One of those patterns is called flight or fight response. Often people do not even realize that they are in a fight or flight pattern. In psychology, it refers to an emotional and physical response to extreme stress. It's like our bodies are conditioned to respond to danger, like a bear approaching, to freeze or to flee and run for your life. The emotional response catches up to you later, once you are no longer in danger. We no longer really have to fear bear attacks or basic survival, so our bodies respond to normal stressors in the same way. With that said, lots of people are running around in a constant state of stress, never really catching their breath or frozen with fear, worry and anxiety. Often I look around and see people running with busy schedules, always something to do and on a constant state of alert. No wonder so many people are anxious, cranky, sleep deprived and burnt out. That is why rest and relaxation are so vitally important. It helps us catch our breath, feel our feelings, exhale and reboot our minds and bodies. The other key in stressful situations is to allow the process to flow, rather than freaking out or becoming numb. I had a chance to enjoy some rest on my trip to California this past week. I was challenged though to "go with the flow" however, when my flight ended up rescheduled to depart earlier and I arrived too late to catch it. I did observe very cranky airport staff, who clearly needed some rest or a new job. The customer service rep was anything but helpful and seemed to need to chastise me for missing my flight. I switched counters and the other customer service rep was much more willing to help. I caught the next flight which stopped in Chicago. All went smoothly as I went to the next gate and signed in for stand by. Then, just as they were calling my name to board that flight, I realized that I had left my garment bag with my dresses on the last plane. With a sudden look of panic on my face, I quickly asked the employee at the gate to call to see if that plane was still at the gate. Again, different city and different employee but same attitude and crankiness. She looked completely bothered at having to call for me. She in fact told me to run to the gate myself, except my current flight was getting ready to depart. She too chastised me for leaving my garment bag on the plane. What is it with such meanness in people. I already felt bad enough, but apparently, some people have little compassion. That plane with my dresses was departing to Hong Kong, so as far as I know at this point, my dresses ended up there. Once I arrived in CA and was at the rental car agency, I waited in the longest line I have ever seen. When Will, the very nice customer service agent asked if I wanted to upgrade to a Mustang convertible, I hesitated for a moment and with reflection of the kind of day I already had, I said YES! My attitude at that point was to not fight the process of life, but flow with it. As I was driving down Pacific Coast Highway with the top down, I smiled at how life shifts from moment to moment. It all depends on how we choose to see it. I was enjoying a moment of bliss after a crazy day and was glad I had decided to embrace life, even after some mean people and the fact that my dresses were heading to Hong Kong. It all worked out fine of course. I headed to the store the next morning and purchased a great new dress for the wedding I was attending. In fact, I loved my new dress so much that I was kinda glad my dresses got lost in the mix. I am hoping however that they are found eventually. If not, oh well, perhaps some mean customer service rep at the airlines can use them. One thing I have learned about possessions, they come and they go and to not hold on too tightly to anything. After all, it is just stuff. I absolutely relaxed on my trip and enjoyed several rejuvenating hikes while I was there. No matter how crazy life gets, we have to take in the view and stop running so much and never forget that everything happens for a reason. "Everything in the universe has a purpose. Indeed, the invisible intelligence that flows through everything in a purposeful fashion is also flowing through you"....(Wayne Dyer).

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