When I was in Lake Placid last week with my kids, they kept insisting on going to this one bagel place. It was not because they liked the food, they wanted to see a teen girl who worked there. They had met her once on our last trip to Lake Placid in February. They chatted with her for 10 minutes but were impressed with her friendliness and in how she was genuinely interested in them. She smiled and asked them questions about the DS games they were playing. How impressive that ten minutes or less of a friendly demeanor made a lasting impression. That says so much. We all come across so many people on our day to day chores and activities, but those people who take a moment to smile and be friendly remain memorable. In general, people in our lives including family can make a difference as well. I personally had several family members that were not my blood relatives, but married into the family. They always took the time to show genuine interest in me and for that, they remain forever in my heart. We all are so impacted positively and negatively by people's moods, attitudes and behaviors. Every day we also have the choice to find something to smile about. Yes, each and every day! I was sick this week with bad sinus headaches. Even in severe pain, I smiled at the beauty of the blossoming trees around me. We can appreciate the simple things all around us...a friendly cashier, the beauty of nature or a child laughing. My children are so excited about being around the people that inspire them. The friendly ones are the people they are drawn to, while the grumpy ones also make an impact, but not so positively. "Life is a shipwreck but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats"...(Voltaire). "Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference"...(Winston Churchill). Each day we all have a choice whether to ruminate over what is not going well or to focus on the positive. Our positive attitude affects others positively and on and on it goes. In addition, our world and lives are filled with beauty if you pay attention. An interesting story was posted on facebook about a famous musician (Joshua Bell) playing incognito at a train station in Washington, DC and how 1,097 people pass by but few stop to listen to one of the best musicians in the world. To see the complete story, just google "famous musician plays in subway." The moral to the story...people are too busy or preoccupied to enjoy the beauty that is right in front of them. The inspiring part of the story is the reminder to slow down and take in the sights, sounds and scenery all around you. Children stop and smell the roses, so to speak. They notice the birds, rainbows and mud puddles and they never forget to just jump on the beds once in awhile. Children can teach us so much about appreciating and finding beauty all around us. I am heading out with the kids to hike again this weekend and since the bagel place was closed on our last trip, I promised the kids we'd stop there to get some food and say hi to the memorable cashier who made a difference. I will also let her know to keep on smiling because my kids insisted on that bagel place, thanks to her. "Every day may not be good, but there's something good in every day"...(Author Unknown)
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