I always know it's spring, because my sinuses go a bit crazy adjusting to all of the pollen in the air. I just adore spring however, as it is such an incredible season, especially in New England. As I drive around, I am amazed by the array of colors springing forth from the flowers and trees. It really does take my breath away. Each day lately, the flowers and trees are blossoming with various colors including red, yellow, purple, gold, pink and various shades of green. Nature is absolutely spectacular. Nature has her moods and each day, I pay special attention to how the sky, sun and clouds complement the plants, flowers and trees. We really are surrounded by natures art. With that said, we are affected by nature profoundly and she is in turn affected by us. Nature teaches us the natural beauty of feeling. Nature expresses herself without apology. She is glorious in her love, wrath, cleansing and renewal. She cleanses everything when she cries. Sometimes the tears are a mist and other times, the rain is so fierce, it is like a gut wrenching cry that comes from the depths of the soul. Crying can be healing for us and really is a great release. Just like nature, if we hold it in, the cry (or rain) tends to be much deeper and overwhelming. Nature gets angry. We can feel her wrath when the winds are gusting hard, knocking things down and demanding to be acknowledged. Winds move things and are a release as well, causing change and new beginnings, especially if the winds turn into hurricanes. The sun warms and nourishes us and really does lift our spirits. When it is sunny, we smile more as it seems nature is smiling down on us. A cloudy day looks magical to me, even if the mood tends to be more contemplative and serene. Lightning and thunder can be scary for some, but I think it's pretty cool. It is literally a clash in the clouds and nature speaks loudly about it. It is about release and is a direct conflict of opposites. We certainly cannot ignore nature when she speaks through the intensity of lightning bolts and house shaking thunder. It's like a much needed fight, when you have it out, speak your peace and feel much better afterward. Nature is speaking through her blossoms lately. The trees and flowers are showing sides that have been dormant and hidden. Much like us, when we shift and grow, blossoming our new strengths and gifts after introspection and challenges. Nature in New England just endured a cold winter and is now stretching it's arms in delight of celebrating its inner beauty. More than anything, no matter what season, nature shows her love each and every day, if you just pay attention. When we bask in natures perfection, we are more in touch with the essence of our own souls. Mother Earth, the sun, stars, moon and sky are always communicating to us. The magnificent beauty of our planet is breathtaking. Love is ever present all around us, so appreciate and send love back to nature, because she is so very patient and loving with us, no matter how we behave toward her. Nature really is the "great mother" giving tirelessly and providing us with food, water, land and spectacular beauty. "I only went out for a walk and finally concluded to stay out till sundown, for going out, I found, was really going in"...(John Muir). "I would feel more optimistic about a bright future for man if he spent less time proving that he can outwit Nature and more time tasting her sweetness and respecting her seniority"...(Elwyn Brooks White).
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