While walking to school the other day with my kids, my five year old glanced back at the garbage truck passing by. His glance turned into a stare when he saw the big automated arms reach out to pick up the garbage can. He looked at me in earnest and said in his precious voice; "Mommy, I'm going to drive a garbage truck when I get bigger." There it is, he was being in the moment and in that very moment, the garbage truck captured his attention and gave him something to dream of. There will be countless moments like that for all of my kids as they grow and learn about themselves and life. My hope for them is that they never stop having those moments, no matter how old they are. So many adults stop dreaming, wishing and hoping to do something cool, fun or just because. I have my ongoing list of awesome places I plan to visit as well as things I want to do and experience. As long as I'm alive, I will have a continual "bucket list" with additions being made in moments like my youngest son experienced while watching the garbage truck. Life is a wondrous adventure with so many endless places to see and experience as well as interesting people to meet along the way. I try to remain open to talk to anyone willing to discuss the weather or to share their observations about the economy. Whether I am in the steam room at the gym or standing in line at Starbucks, I often find very friendly and interesting people everywhere I go. Many people walk around with blinders on while getting their coffee or even at the gym. I watch some people around me closing themselves off from opportunities to have a spontaneous discussion with strangers. It's too bad because they are really missing out on the human connection. More often though, I find very friendly souls who are just as excited to share some conversation with strangers. You get to find out a little about people's stories, their points of view, or you just share a laugh over something ironic or funny. One time in the sauna, a man liked to do his deep breathing exercises, so loudly that we all thought he was going to work himself into a heart attack. We all laughed and smiled at the distraction. I know that many people complain about the dating web sites but I have met some very intriguing people on there. The goal should not be just about dating but to remain open to just meeting people and perhaps making a friend. There are so many people on those sites looking for companionship, fun, friendship, dating and more. Those sites remind me about how there are so very many people out there searching for basic human connection. Many people do not have anyone to really talk to or to share their hopes and dreams with. That's why, if I'm somewhere and a stranger strikes up a basic discussion, I'll chat for a few minutes or longer, because you just never know what that person is going through. Life really is an experience each and every day. Even though I have my list of places to visit one day like Hawaii, France, Bali and Australia, I find the beauty around me in a sunset, the colors of flowers or in something cute one of my kids observe about life. We're all human and we're on a journey together...kinda shipwrecked on this island we call earth, so why not make it a truly amazing experience.
This is now a time of Love and Compassion! Love is the way, and it is the light that spreads healing. I am a cancer warrior and an amputee. I was diagnosed with synovial sarcoma in June 2017. I became an amputee in 2018. I am also a holistic therapist and I have been in the mental health profession for over 20 years. Join me on a journey of self exploration, growth, laughter, healing, and connection. We inspire each other when we share our stories.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
We're Human
While walking to school the other day with my kids, my five year old glanced back at the garbage truck passing by. His glance turned into a stare when he saw the big automated arms reach out to pick up the garbage can. He looked at me in earnest and said in his precious voice; "Mommy, I'm going to drive a garbage truck when I get bigger." There it is, he was being in the moment and in that very moment, the garbage truck captured his attention and gave him something to dream of. There will be countless moments like that for all of my kids as they grow and learn about themselves and life. My hope for them is that they never stop having those moments, no matter how old they are. So many adults stop dreaming, wishing and hoping to do something cool, fun or just because. I have my ongoing list of awesome places I plan to visit as well as things I want to do and experience. As long as I'm alive, I will have a continual "bucket list" with additions being made in moments like my youngest son experienced while watching the garbage truck. Life is a wondrous adventure with so many endless places to see and experience as well as interesting people to meet along the way. I try to remain open to talk to anyone willing to discuss the weather or to share their observations about the economy. Whether I am in the steam room at the gym or standing in line at Starbucks, I often find very friendly and interesting people everywhere I go. Many people walk around with blinders on while getting their coffee or even at the gym. I watch some people around me closing themselves off from opportunities to have a spontaneous discussion with strangers. It's too bad because they are really missing out on the human connection. More often though, I find very friendly souls who are just as excited to share some conversation with strangers. You get to find out a little about people's stories, their points of view, or you just share a laugh over something ironic or funny. One time in the sauna, a man liked to do his deep breathing exercises, so loudly that we all thought he was going to work himself into a heart attack. We all laughed and smiled at the distraction. I know that many people complain about the dating web sites but I have met some very intriguing people on there. The goal should not be just about dating but to remain open to just meeting people and perhaps making a friend. There are so many people on those sites looking for companionship, fun, friendship, dating and more. Those sites remind me about how there are so very many people out there searching for basic human connection. Many people do not have anyone to really talk to or to share their hopes and dreams with. That's why, if I'm somewhere and a stranger strikes up a basic discussion, I'll chat for a few minutes or longer, because you just never know what that person is going through. Life really is an experience each and every day. Even though I have my list of places to visit one day like Hawaii, France, Bali and Australia, I find the beauty around me in a sunset, the colors of flowers or in something cute one of my kids observe about life. We're all human and we're on a journey together...kinda shipwrecked on this island we call earth, so why not make it a truly amazing experience.
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