"Passion, it lies in all of us, sleeping... waiting... and though unwanted... unbidden... it will stir... open its jaws and howl. It speaks to us... guides us... passion rules us all, and we obey. What other choice do we have? Passion is the source of our finest moments. The joy of love... the clarity of hatred... and the ecstasy of grief. It hurts sometimes more than we can bear. If we could live without passion maybe we'd know some kind of peace... but we would be hollow... Empty rooms shuttered and dank. Without passion we'd be truly dead"...(Joss Whedon). Passion is a mixture of intense feelings and passion reminds us of the beauty of being alive. There are different types of passion....passion in love, passion in sex, passion in work and passion in every day life. To me, passion is a true connection to one's heart. In those moments of passion, we are truly in sync with our heart and soul. All too often however, people become so disconnected that they do not feel passion, which is truly a shame. When you live a passionate life, you begin to draw people and experiences to you that are passionate as well. Most people think of sex when it comes to passion. Passionate sex is depicted in movies but it is usually very dramatized. True passion between two individuals is such an intense, emotional and unique experience that it could never be accurately portrayed on any movie screen. Many people though have never had passion during sex because passion requires the ultimate ability to let go and free yourself up from fears and judgements. If you are self conscious during sex..then you can't really let go. A passionate kiss is the first step toward passionate sex. I can always tell in a kiss, whether someone is holding back or whether they have the ability to let go. The kiss is also your guiding light as to whether you have true chemistry with the person you are with. Just like the saying "the eyes are the window to the soul," so is the kiss. The mind can make all sorts of judgements, yet a kiss never lies. We've all experienced those moments when your mind tells you that someone is attractive only to discover no real connection or passion once you kiss. Now, if someone can let go during the kiss..and chemistry intensifies, then you are off to a good start. I have learned through time and wisdom, that attraction and thus passion starts in your soul. When you are in sync with your heart, then you no longer see with your eyes, you see with intuition and that "gut" feeling. When you are still stuck in your head, then you only see with your eyes and the world is one dimensional. Seeing people only with your mind is like buying a house solely for what it looks like. Buying a house that way might give you a beautiful home on the outside but it could have a cracked foundation or major termite damage. Many people however enter into relationships, basing their choices only on the exterior. Basing your life on the intuitive however changes everything and opens the door to a passion filled life. When you allow yourself to feel passion, then you absolutely begin to attract and create it. When you feel with your heart, you see people more clearly, because it's pure and unencumbered by facades. The heart sees through all of that. The heart of passion is feeling. Allow yourself to feel, work on your fears and passion will begin to blossom. If sex is merely a reflection of the rest of your life then allowing passion to blossom affects every area of your life. “Nothing great in the world has been accomplished without passion”....(Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel). “If there is no passion in your life, then have you really lived? Find your passion, whatever it may be. Become it, and let it become you and you will find great things happen FOR you, TO you and BECAUSE of you"....(T. Alan Armstrong).
Passion is just one componet. Passion with Desore leaves a person motionless.
ReplyDeleteInteresting thought. Motionless?
ReplyDeleteOkay-I just reflected on that thought. Sometimes when people feel passion and desire together....it can be so incredibly overwhelming that it renders them motionless for awhile. It can be so intense that it literally causes a person to hold back or freeze. The trick is in not letting the intensity stop you from welcoming and embracing passion in your life. I would argue that if you are motionless, then some fears of getting what you want, may be in the way.