"Whether you think you can or think you can't - you are right"...(Henry Ford). Everyone faces some fears about taking risks and trying new things or developing talents that remain hidden and untapped. I have worked with many people throughout the years who were terrified to leap out into the unknown with their secret dreams of writing, singing, helping others, dancing, painting, and so on. The only thing stopping them was themselves. Sure sometimes, they had parents or spouses who fed their fears...spewing propaganda and fear based messages like, "Get your head out of the clouds," or "The sooner you get realistic about things-the better." When others have that much impact on you, they are just tapping right into your own fears and those fears spread like a wild fire. In reverse, once you confront your fears and push through them, nobody can stop you from pursuing your dreams. I've heard excuses like, "I can't go back to school because I don't have the money," or "I never have time to dedicate to my dreams." There is simply no truth to those statements. As the saying goes...when there is a will, there is a way! Nothing can stop you once you believe in yourself. I had to put myself through college and grad schools. Sure, there were moments that I was exhausted from working up to three jobs but I pushed on. It took me longer than most to finish my undergraduate degree, but in the end who cares how long it took. The excuses are self imposed road blocks. Sometimes it feels easier to stay stagnant and safe yet the price you pay is more than you know. If you give up on your hopes, talents and dreams, then you become less of who you were meant to be. Boredom sets in, anger and resentment for life can take over and self loathing may become such an essential part of your being that the talents and dreams disappear completely and not even a shadow of your true self remains. You only gain by investing in yourself and in fact, you lose so much if you don't nurture your hopes and dreams. The most inspiring stories are those of people who risked everything to follow their hearts. I studied Henri Matisse this week for an art program to teach children about famous artists. Henri Matisse was a lawyer and had pressure from his father to be a successful attorney. Due to an illness, he was laid up for awhile and his mother bought him art supplies. He discovered a true love of art and decided to study art in Paris, which greatly disappointed his father. He later described art as "a kind of paradise." He followed his passion regardless of pressure and expectations and he found his bliss. That is what it should be like....that each one of us settles for nothing less than finding a piece of paradise. So, if there is something that you keep putting off...joining an art group, taking a class, writing, or pursuing a new job...don't let your fears stop you. Take one step toward embracing your dreams and find your bliss. "I quit being afraid when my first venture failed and the sky didn't fall down"...(Allen H. Neuharth). "If you hear a voice within you say "you cannot paint," then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced"...(Vincent Van Gogh).
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