What would life be like if we didn't have humor. A good laugh can be the best medicine. Often when clients come to see me, the one's who can still manage to have a sense a humor about things no matter how bleak things look, appear to cope better then their counterparts who lack a funny bone. Life can be pretty funny if you allow room for a brighter perspective. A client of mine has a sister who struggles with mental illness. The issues my client has to face are pretty stressful, but her coping skill is humor. Sure she has learned to set boundaries, to discuss her feelings and to cope with the realities of mental illness, but humor helps her through the day. Life's difficulties can be funny sometimes, once you learn how to view numerous angles to every situation. Have you ever had something happen that was pretty crazy....but later you have a good laugh over it. When I ended up in Canada by mistake, we had a good laugh, as did everyone I told the story to. I hear people day in and day out, tell me their secrets and stories. Sometimes during session, the client and I have a heartfelt laugh over what is going on in their lives. Humor breaks tension and helps each of us remember the lighter side of life. Often laughter will help us feel a sense of joy. Regarding joy, it is so important to have things in your life that bring you joy. A joyful heart sees the beauty in life and expresses it to those around them. Here are some qoutes about joy. "Joy is not in things; it is in us”...(Richard Wagner). “Joy is the feeling of grinning inside"...(Melba Colgrove). "There are those who give with joy, and that joy is their reward"...(Kahlil Gibran). My kids are so open and honest about their joy. When they are joyful and in the moment, their laughter is contagious. So often, people get caught up in their daily living of routine, that they forget to sit back, enjoy the moment and have a good laugh. During my childhood, my favorite television show was "I Love Lucy." That show always made me laugh and it was my therapy at the time. I just loved how Lucy would turn something simple into the craziest, funniest situation. I know that I must have seen every episode. So find your humor, those things or special people that make you laugh and bring you joy. Life is just not the same without the energy of joy and laughter in our lives, so let yourself go and enjoy the fun side of life. "I'm not funny, what I am is brave"...(Lucille Ball).
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