It's 24 degrees and the stores are decked out with holiday decorations and the center of town is lined with beautifully lit trees. Earlier this evening, my daughter pulled out a big roll of wrapping paper and she wanted to wrap a bunch of her toys to give to her baby brother, just to pretend it's Christmas. The kids had a blast and all it cost me was some wrapping paper. I wish Christmas was so easy. Wouldn't that be great. All I would have to do is wrap a bunch of the toys they already have and I'd be done with my Christmas shopping! Maybe they'd appreciate their toys more, the ones they never play with, if they got to unwrap them again. The difficulty with kids today is helping them value what they have and to teach them to not buy into the whole "more is better" philosophy. It is a challenge that many parents face today. It seems like children are surrounded by peers and commercials pushing the latest game system, iPods, toys, movies and more. I hate sounding like my own mother but I was so happy to get the few presents I received growing up. We also did not have the technology or sheer choices children have today. It amazes me how my kids can navigate the computer and my iPhone better then I can. This year, I've decided to give them less stuff and give them some coupons for day trips to amusement parks and the zoo. I'd rather spend time with them having fun then give them piles of toys and games that will end up under their beds or piled in a corner by the end of January. I also have them bag up some of their old toys every December to donate to Goodwill and the local residential center for children. My kids know that Santa needs them to make room for their gifts and they get to help out other children by giving away their old toys. In this season of giving, I'd like my children to learn the value of helping others. I would like my children to learn the true meaning of abundance as well and to appreciate everything they have in their lives. Here are some inspiring quotes about abundance. "You pray in your distress and in your need; would that you might also pray in the fullness of your joy and in your days of abundance"-(Kahlil Gibran). "Your most precious, valued possessions and your greatest powers are invisible and intangible. No one can take them. You, and you alone, can give them. You will receive abundance for your giving"-(W. Clement Stone). "To live a pure unselfish life, one must count nothing as one's own in the midst of abundance"-(Buddha). So during this holiday season of frantic shopping, socializing and celebrating, we must also remember to feel gratitude and to not lose sight of the true holiday spirit.....sharing our love. We truly have abundance of spirit when we give our love, appreciation and compassion to those around us. So pull out your favorite holiday movie, make some popcorn and sit back and enjoy the season....and as I say to my kids, it's not all about the stuff. "Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love"...(Hamilton Wright Mabi).
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