Now that it is winter, we are in the energy of introspection and contemplation. Winter stimulates a greater expression of the energies of love, intuition, illumination and meditation. Winter is a time for withdrawal from activities so that we can give birth to new aspects of the self. I have been reflecting a lot lately about life. As I contemplate my past, it helps me put the present into perspective. We learn about who we are and how we got here from glancing at the past. I have been having fun scanning pictures from the past and posting them on Facebook. It's fun to observe the journey and remember the people you learned a long side, laughed and grew in many ways with. Even though some paths may have parted, you honor each person who helped you discover who you are just by remembering them. As I look back I am reminded of my mantra, that things happen for a reason. On my journey, I had to switch schools and move to a new area in 8th grade. It was an adjustment at the time. Now as I post pictures on Facebook of the high school friends I made, some of whom I am still close with, I am thankful that my mom made that move way back then. I was set to attend college at UC Santa Barbara until my dad insisted that I attend UC Riverside. There was no good reason for attending UC Riverside, it was just what he wanted. That is another example of things happening for a reason. At the time I was upset that I did not attend the college of my choice. However as I also go through old pictures from college and post some on facebook, I am deeply grateful that my dad threw me a curve ball and made me attend that college. Sometimes students I counsel do not get accepted to the college of their choice, or their parents insist on a school for them as well. Sometimes we have no idea at the time that things are happening just as they should. Often the path not chosen turns out to be the best one for your lessons. People play instrumental parts in our growth and often we are guided right where we need to be at exactly the right time to meet them. I even ended up in Connecticut just by making one friend at grad school who was from CT. Rather than staying angry at opportunities you think you missed or at not getting into the right school or the right job, pay attention to where you are guided and trust that it is in the best interest for your growth at the time. We are also instrumental in guiding opportunities and people to us as well. It is a process of trusting that if we put out there what we want, we will do the work to get it. We also need to trust though when the opportunity has not yet presented itself. Things will happen at the most opportune time. So as I contemplate life, I am no longer angry at my dad or mom for making decisions that I did not agree with and in fact very thankful. Everything did happen in ways that helped me grow and learn the most and I am deeply grateful for that. To all of the friends I have made along the way: Thank you so much for sharing the journey with me, I am so glad that I have had each and every one of you in my life. Life is an adventure.....so honor your path, be grateful for the twists and turns and always enjoy your friends.
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