"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind"...(Dr. Suess). Every day is a fresh start and a new opportunity to experience yourself and life with a renewed perspective. Just like the blowing of the wind, I never know from one day to the next what my experiences or lessons will be. I know that I must come off as the eternal optimist. I am to some degree but that does not mean that I don't have my tearful filled days too. I have my moments of struggling with understanding life as I sort through my emotions. I cycle through a variety of emotions from day to day but I remain open to experiencing whatever I need to for increased awareness. I have recently realized that through all of my growth and thus strength I've attained, that I might just have alienated myself from a huge percentage of the population when it comes to dating. It can be lonely at times, trying to pave the way. It's tough enough realizing that as I navigate my way through the dating scene that most men are too intimidated to date a therapist, let alone one who practices shamanic healing on the side. It's going to take one unique, very self assured guy to contend with me. I am a very feeling oriented person which is challenging for most people who are use to dealing with more superficial layers of emotions. I am pretty clear with my expectations and boundaries, thus I will not put up with shallow when it comes to dating. I will also not allow shallow flings or meaningless sex. Where does that leave me? Well, I'm very proud of staying true to myself but again, loneliness comes with such integrity. I'll endure the loneliness because as I recall from shallow dating in my 20's, it left me worse than lonely. I remember feeling sick from superficial interactions with men, kind of like a hangover after drinking too much. It never sat right with me. I believe that it is so important to truly know yourself so that you can be true to who you are. For each person, the journey is so discover the inner workings of your soul. I know my soul now but again, that does not mean I don't pay a small price. I'd pay a bigger price if I compromised what feels right to me, so I will continue to choose listening to my heart. It always guides me in the most authentic way. Regarding optimism... It takes the dark moments to help teach us our fears and doubts. I embrace those moments too because once I navigate my way through my pain I come out the other side, more optimistic than ever. As for dating, I do remain optimistic. I don't need 99.99% of the male population to find my unique nature captivating.... I only need one at a time. The journey continues to teach me so much and with each lesson, I'll pass it on....for we all help each other along the way. The lesson for today... to honor oneself, first and foremost and listen to your heart because it always illuminates the way. "Above all, be true to yourself, and if you cannot put your heart in it, take yourself out of it"...(Hardy D. Jackson).
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