When I started my blog back in September, I had an idea that some changes were in the air, but wow what a wild ride it's been. This blog is about the journey of love and in navigating oneself through separations, difficulties, losses and many changes. I am on the precipice of some of the biggest changes in my life and although I am a bit nervous, I also feel like a child on Christmas morning, so excited about the gifts life has for me presently and on the horizon. When life offers up some painful lessons in loss and letting go, you can find hidden gems of truth, clarity and transformation. I have honestly been so busy planning this move that I have not had time to write. So here is another one of my favorite articles, I wrote back in the fall which sums up the essence of who I am and what I believe...
I believe love is the answer....because without it, we have nothing to believe in. I believe love always navigates its way back into our hearts if we allow it to. I believe love profoundly affects our lives and changes us forever. I believe that the journey of loving yourself, then trusting enough to share that love is the ultimate life lesson. I believe that life is worth living, sharing and celebrating, each and every day. I believe that things happen for a reason, to remind us that the web of life brings us where we need to be, when we need to be there. I believe we equally orchestrate our fates, by our secret hopes, fears, dreams and wishes. Your wish is your command....so if you think and feel it from the depths of your soul, you can and will manifest it. I believe that compassion is essential and helps us connect to the common thread in humanity, that we are all the same. I believe that children need hugs and kisses every single day! I believe that life is a series of lessons to help us grow and become more enlightened. I believe that lessons in enlightenment come more from daily, apparently mundane matters of living rather than hours upon hours of deep meditation. I believe that letting go is sometimes essential in breaking out and becoming who you are meant to be. I believe that change is a lesson in allowing yourself to transform. I believe that sometimes you have to go very far from where you started, to have some clarity, then weave your way back to embrace that which you ran from. I believe that love will live on, long after we are gone. I believe that nothing is permanent and everything is constantly changing. I believe that fear is an illusion we use to keep us from allowing change, even though the changes occur anyway, with or without our permission. I believe our thoughts create who we are. I believe that a good piece of chocolate (dark is my preference), can soothe the soul. I believe that alone time is essential, to be able to listen to your soul teach you who you are and why you are here. I believe that forgiveness is a gift you give yourself. I believe in the power of art and music to inspire and remind us that there is magic occurring in each and every moment, if we tune ourselves into it. I believe that nature reflects the simple and glorious beauty of our souls potential. I believe that sharing our journey and the lessons we have learned is another lesson. I believe in Buddha's quote, "He is able who thinks he is able." I believe in the importance of being in the moment and in going with the flow. I believe that love always finds a way....... What do you believe in?
I believe in you!