"Serendipity is the art of making an unsought finding"...(Pek van Andel). I have found in life that often it is the completely unexpected that gives us the most profound moments. One minute we think we are heading in one direction and in a flash, without realizing it, we are hit by surprise and life takes a different course. Even the new road may veer off as well and head us to new forks in the road but nonetheless, they are paths we completely unexpected. To bridge this to love and relationships, people think they have love all planned and figured out, but true heart connections wreck havoc with plans and control. I have found again and again that people are thrown completely out of whack when they finally find what they say they have been looking for. The sad fact is that many run from the very thing they say they want. Happens all too often. Serendipity is still at work however, offering people the choice to discover their true hearts desires. The real test is whether you embrace that which is thrown in front of you or do you run and hide. The choice is yours and if you hide...you will have to face your demons and your fears as to why you couldn't embrace life's purest gift....the opportunity for love and a deep soul connection with someone. Here are some quotes about serendipity: "Serendipity. Look for something, find something else, and realize that what you’ve found is more suited to your needs than what you thought you were looking for"....(Lawrence Block). "In reality, serendipity accounts for one percent of the blessings we receive in life, work and love. The other 99 percent is due to our efforts"...(Peter McWilliams). "Serendipity is putting a quarter in the gumball machine and having three pieces come rattling out instead of one—all red"...(Peter H. Reynolds). "You don’t reach Serendipity by plotting a course for it. You have to set out in good faith for elsewhere and lose your bearings … serendipitously"....(John Barth). When serendipity occurs, we almost have to stop and take note that something magical just occurred. Just like one of the previous quotes however....you still have to decide if you are going to follow through with the required work and effort. Two people may have serendipitous moments....but one walks away and makes excuses as to why it doesn't make sense and the other embraces the gift and heads forward to experience all that the moment and experience has to offer. The choice is always there for each of us. Make no mistake however, you know serendipity occurs when something shakes you off of your daily experience....when something or someone catches you by surprise and suddenly life and all that it has to offer becomes so much more vivid and full of new possibilities. The last thing to say about this is that many men and women settle for mates that they try to change into what they want them to be versus finding someone who they embrace completely for who they are now. Trying to change people only leads to frustration and heartache but keeps people a safe distance from truly being connected. Many, many people really aren't strong and can't handle being connected in a real and profound way. Following your heart and embracing serendipity means even if you are afraid, you settle for nothing less than a partnership where each person cherishes each other completely. It also means you recognize the blessing in true chemistry and when chemistry is at it's best.....intense electricity occurs between individuals. Pay attention when you are in a crowded room and scan the couples that you see. You can tell when there is a deeper chemistry between two people in how they relate, their eye contact and body language. On the other hand....notice the rest of the couples, barely speaking, hardly looking at each other and they appear bored, distracted or as if they are biding their time. Why is that even though people claim they want deeper meaning in their lives and may even be offered their serendipitous moments, they retreat back into pain and hiding? That is the deeper question that people need to reflect and ponder about themselves. You know my vote....take the leap and embrace serendipity! One last thing however, even with serendipitous moments paired with a lot of courage and hard work...patience is often still required. Ultimately to get what your heart desires, one may have to persevere tests and set backs, to help you decide once and for all, what is it you truly desire. I had to laugh as I was writing this article, my computer took forever to download the picture and my internet service kept getting disconnected. In addition...although I started writing this on the 22nd, I didn't publish it until the early hours of the 24th because thoughts and feelings took time for me to decipher and unravel. So interestingly enough, my patience was tested tremendously while writing these words. In a strange way...it's what reminded me that patience is a must when following the signs that serendipity offers. Serendipity may offer the bread crumbs...but you have to find the strength within yourself, that whisper that turns into something more and it determines that the path is worth following no matter what the cost may be, because your heart will have it no other way. "Infinite patience brings immediate results"...(Wayne Calloway).
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