I'm going to start this article off with a quote from "The Notebook". "So it's not gonna be easy. It's going to be really hard; we're gonna have to work at this everyday, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever, everyday. You and me... everyday"...(The Notebook- Nicholas Sparks-spoken by Noah, the romantic lead). I just love that quote and how apropos it is that even true love takes work. Sometimes though, no matter how much affection two people have toward one another, there are just too many walls separating them. I'm a firm believer in love...but sometimes love cannot break the barriers separating people. Love is never a waste of time however because just the act of loving someone changes you for the better. It is also an experience of loving oneself, to let go and move on when the walls are just too much to contend with. Walls are another of life's lessons. Walls are barriers, fears, defenses and sometimes things in life that just prevent people from being together. Of course, the romantic in me always believes in hope but nonetheless, sometimes letting go is the best course of action. When too many walls create a divide, one must move on and hope for love with another. Love stories still intrigue us however, ones that beat the odds and shatter the walls. I suppose the female population secretly roots for love to prevail after all. I say females, since they are generally the ones with romance novels in hand and running to the theatres in groves when a new Nicholas Sparks movie opens. Oh sure, men attend those movies too, but generally they are being dragged there by a female. For you few romantic fellas out there who truly admire a good love story, I apologize and I'm glad you enjoy a Nicholas Sparks movie as much as I do. Walls are meant to be broken down when possible, but despite the happy endings in most novels and movies, the walls just may be too difficult to tear down after all. I know that this must be shocking coming from me, the eternal optimist but even I have to concede that some people have built walls just too high or difficult to penetrate. There is still a happy ending....just one with a different outcome. New outcomes and different paths still have the possibility for true love and bliss. The universe hands us several options, thankfully....so never give up hope that your happy ending is just around the corner. I write this particular article with a heavy heart because I really do believe in love. I always carry love in my heart and know that ultimately love creates healing on so many levels, even if that love cannot ever be reciprocated. I say to all of the men and women who have loved others who have been unable able to give that love back due to walls, that you have grown immeasurably for loving them anyway. Personally, I have never regretted loving others but had regrets in the past over masking my love with defenses and fears. I just cannot hide love any longer...because an open heart feels so much lighter and freer. A big "cheers" though to all of the real life love stories that have come true. May love prevail after all, one way or another. "A coward is incapable of exhibiting love; it is the prerogative of the brave"...(Mahatma Gandhi).
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