"Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. And Today? Today is a gift. That's why we call it the present"....
(Babatunde Olatunji). I love this quote because it's so simple and says so much. I posted it on my facebook wall and several people commented that it was in the movie Kung Fu Panda. I didn't remember that actually but how perfect! I just love animated movies because they connect us to our child selves....and hidden in a fun, spirited movie is a very profound quote. I love it! Each day is amazing to me because it truly offers us the gift of new insights, things that we had yet to experience and of course a nice surprise occasionally. Sometimes I just shake my head in wonder when something or someone surprising enters my sphere. Nice surprises indeed. Each person I meet seems to teach me something new or vice versa. I especially like those surprises. One guy I was chatting with told me about hiking trails I had never discovered. The guy was not the lesson...he was a pit stop, but the trails are now some of my favorites! Some guys I've gone on dates with received some much needed free therapy. That was a gift for them. I'd like to say that I'm off duty when I'm on a date, but I am a therapist and it's just a part of who I am. I love trying to understand different perspectives and I ask questions that many would be afraid to ask. I don't ask to analyze, I ask because I'm sincerely interested but in the process...I get guys talking. That's a good thing. Many men I've met admit that they would never set foot in a therapist's office...but there they are at dinner, pouring their life stories out to me. I'm glad that I'm a good listener! It's rewarding for me to help men express themselves. Everyone needs to talk once in awhile and way too many men keep things bottled up. I also love the surprise of meeting like minded souls who inspire me in some way. That always make me feel good. The law of attraction really does work. I met one of the nicest ladies in the sauna at the gym. I'm always happy when we run into each other because we have the most in depth conversations about love and relationships. Her name is Mimi and she is originally from Germany and has been married for 50 years. She has some amazing insights about love and life. I'll write more about Mimi in another article but her bottom line about love in her own words, "Chemistry is everything!" Everyday now, I wake up wondering what surprises are waiting for me. To add to that, it's fun to just add the element of surprise occasionally by doing something unpredictable. Nice surprises await us every day if you choose to notice. That's the beauty in life. "Well, we all like things to be predictable, don't we? We expect things to be safe and to keep on happening just the way they always have. We expect the sun to rise in the morning. We expect to get up, survive the day and finish up back in bed at the end of it, ready to start all over again the next day. But maybe that's just a trick we play on ourselves, our way of making life seem ordinary. Because the truth is, life is so extraordinary that for most of the time we can't bring ourselves to look at it. It's too bright and it hurts our eyes. The fact of the matter is that nothing is ever certain. But most people never find that out until the ground suddenly disappears from beneath their feet"...(Steve Voake).
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