Tuesday, October 14, 2014


The issue of masculine versus feminine is an interesting debate. Men are struggling with societies pressure on them to exude strength but often that results in aggressiveness and the inability or difficulty expressing vulnerability and emotions. Females have difficulties as well. Beauty is praised of women and strength is not encouraged, leaving women vulnerable to body issues, eating disorders and resistance when they attempt to find their voice. How would a man work on the divine masculine in himself and how would I define the divine masculine? It got me thinking. Of course I have been working on the divine feminine and I could easily answer what the divine feminine is, but I needed to mediate a bit on how to define the devine masculine. First, I believe the divine feminine is receptive, mysterious, soft, nurturing and represents pure love. A woman in her divine feminine is in balance with her masculine energy but she quietly reserves it for the moments she needs to step up to lead and to protect herself or others, namely children and those who are vulnerable. The divine feminine energy is alluring (like the moon) and magical. I believe the divine masculine is protector of divine feminine and of innocence, especially children. A man in touch with his feminine side but carries a quiet strength about him. A man you feel safe with when you are in his presence. A man that brings out the best in those around him without even really noticing it. The divine masculine adores and respects women. To define the divine in masculine and feminine arouses the debate...."To claim either gender as divine is to segregate the totality of Divinity." My response is simple. The directions of east, west, north and south are divinely the same in that each arouses vibration yet differ in the energy each represent. All is divine. The masculine and feminine represent the opposite sides of the same coin, however the energy each bring to the table are unique and should not be considered the same....Just as each soul is divine yet divinely different. Shouldn't we honor the divine energy each of us bring to the whole? We have been given an opportunity in the physical body we live in to understand wholly the beauty in being male or female as well as learning to express our soul freely through the body we inhabit. A drop of water is but a drop but once it drops into the ocean, it is a part of the whole. We are all a part of the whole. Each of us connecting and combining with all that is, but we each hold a unique blueprint...our soul is a unique drop of water coming from different springs. Separating the ego from it, we are all the same but we contribute our lessons and our illumination to raise the vibration of all. Yes..we are all divine and our journey is to discover that.

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