Friday, October 24, 2014

Needle in the Haystack

Finding a date is easy but finding the right partner is not. We have all learned through our mistakes, the error in choosing partners based on what others want for us, or based on our own blindness as to what our hearts wanted versus what we convinced ourselves we wanted. Most people are so out of tune with their hearts that their dating partners are sometimes based on shallow needs, like attractiveness and immediate gratification of wants and desires. Having a mate on the other hand, takes much more insight into yourself to help you first be the partner you are looking for, then attracting the person that is what you are looking for. I've heard people complain endlessly about their dating woe's and inevitably I hear them say, "I'm looking for the needle in the haystack." Be the needle in the haystack and you will find the needle in the haystack. "But, needles are hard to find," might be your counter argument. Yes they are...but finding the seemingly impossible is possible but first you need to be the very thing you are looking for. Self awareness is paramount to finding the partner of your dreams. I've seen many good men and women sabbotage the very relationships they were looking for because they were not secure enough to sustain it. They attracted the mate they wanted but didn't feel good enough, or deserving enough and so they ruined it. Karma is the lesson in partnerships. People are often attracted to someone, like a magnet drawn to metal, but often karma is at play. Karma is unfinished business between two individuals and is often a part of a soul contract that needs to be fulfilled. Have you ever been drawn to someone that wasn't good for you but you were attracted to them anyway. Children are a part of soul contracts too. Every relationship offers some kind of lesson and opportunity for growth. In addition to growth, even better if you fulfill the contract you agreed to complete here with that person on a soul level. If you are open to a higher power and you are insightful and open, then as you work on will draw toward you, your needle in the haystack. Whether that person is your soul mate or a much needed karmic lesson, if you ask the universe to bring toward you the best person for your greatest and highest good, then the law of attraction will begin to work. It takes faith and trust and you must then listen to your intuition guide you in the direction that is in the best interest for your highest good. Some souls are here to just "be" and their energy is what is needed here. Those people might choose not to marry or they choose not to have children since on a soul level, they do not want to create any karma here. Being the very best you can be while you are learning is the best way to attract your next partner (and lesson). If you give up, hide, close yourself off or send otherwise negative vibrations out to the universe saying "why bother," then the universe complies and nothing is sent your way. The universe listens to our hearts desires. If true love is what you are looking for, then be open to the fact that the universe might answer by first sending a few people your way to clear up karmic debt...the price you must pay to pave the way to finding love. Addressing karmic ties isn't punishment. Each time you have a chance to clear up some karma or to help someone else is actually a blessing and lightens the energy load you are carrying. The karmic lessons might be someone else's and you are there to just shed some light on their lessons for their growth. Either way, even the quickest relationship can be filled with a lot of growth potential for all involved. We as humans get impatient and say "I want love now," but we aren't willing to do the work necessary to be the loving person we need to be to attract the person we dream about. Think of the universe as a great master, carefully choosing the best lessons to help you grow and learn. I know this might sound confusing but it's simple really. Yes, you might meet someone tomorrow and what seems like a very intense, passionate love affair, might not be your soul mate but one of your potential soul mates and there is karma to work on. What if the relationship helps you clarify what works for you and what doesn't. The relationship might even burn out quickly, leaving you confused...but not all relationships are meant to last. Karmic ties tend to be intense and dramatic. That doesn't mean they are the best partner for you for the long term. They are just a stepping stone to get you to the person that you've been searching for. Instead of being bitter about those relationships that didn't last, thank them in a blessing for the time you had with them and for the lessons learned. They also showed you that in this lifetime, they are not where they need to be emotionally to sustain anything long term with you or maybe you learned that you aren't yet strong enough to sustain something long term with them and that you have more growing to do. Perhaps your own wounds are still blocking you from being the needle in the haystack. Remember, everyone has likely broken a few hearts on their journey and couldn't be what someone else hoped they would be. Continue to work on yourself and be clear about what you are ready for and the universe will open the doors that will best serve you. Have faith, be patient and above all else...embrace every opportunity sent your way to help you learn and grow on your journey.

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