Loss is one of life's toughest lessons. Death is like the winter..it's cold and lonely and feels like a long, bitter winter that never ends. But eventually, new life emerges in the spring, tree's come back to life beckoning us to do the same. The loved one that has passed has transformed into another form and they live on as well....in spirit. Your loved one does not want you to die along with them. How does that honor their life and the love they felt for you? They live on in your heart and nothing brings more joy to a spirit than their loved one's eventually moving on with their lives. Of course there is a time of mourning. The winter is true symbolism of this. Going within, reflection, honoring the memories of your loves one and even processing unfinished business you might have had with them is necessary. All cultures and religions have rituals surrounding death to give the living time to process and honor the loss of their loved ones. Our loved ones in spirit have work to do as well. On the other side, they have processing to do about the life they lived. They may also have left the earth to help loved ones learn certain lessons. Things are not always as they appear. People yell at god, angry about losses but every loss is an opportunity for the living to learn or to retreat. Those who retreat are in lesson as well but understand that the longer you hold onto the person you lost, the more you become the walking dead, living but dead on the inside. This does a disservice to you, to the people who love you and to the loved one in spirit. Some fear that if they live their life and let go of the one they lost, they will no longer feel them around. That is just not the case. Our loved ones should be free to move on but they become spirit mentors and they check in on us from time to time. Some become spirit guides and often they'll visit you in dreams as to not scare you too much. Always remember that love never dies. You carry it with you always in your memories and in your heart. Your heart is big enough to carry the love you have for every soul that has touched your life, for lifetimes and forever. Love is like the spring...blossoming new growth, surprise possibilities and such beauty.
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