The new movie, 2012 opens today. As much as I love a good movie, this will be one that I skip. The whole idea of movies like this one is to stir up fear. I have read quite a few books on the subject and the consensus seems to be that 2012 is about change, shifting and transformation. If you do a search on Google for 2012, there are over 207 million sites that come up. Obviously, there are a lot of theories and discussion on this issue. No matter what, going into fear based thinking on this will not serve any purpose. The Mayan Calendar shows an ending....but an ending can be a transformation and a new beginning. I don't need to get into all of the numerous theories about 2012. Obviously with so many web sites out there, you can do your own research. Here is a summary of some of the theories. Leading Astrologists have analyzed the year 2012 and it does show a unique configuration of the planets, called the finger of god or yod, which signals a new energy or a turning point. The media will certainly over play the doomsday theory and perpetuate fear based ideas. When does the media ever try to calm the masses? They do the exact opposite, so be wary of any shows that try to get you to start building bunkers or assume that the world will end in 2012. Think about all of the fear generated by the media regarding Y2K or the Cold War. Fear will get you nowhere...except more afraid. "2012 is an astronomical, astrological shift in the consciousness of planet Earth which began at the Harmonic Convergence of August 1987. It is an rare evolutionary opportunity for us all to create a new paradigm, not the single cataclysmic event which the media seems fixated on. MANY Light workers and shamans on Earth as well as in Spirit are holding space for a smooth labor for the rebirth of humanity from the carbon based beings we are to crystalline beings we are becoming..." (Gail Gorelick November 13,2009). In the book, 2012 Awakening, by Sri Ram Kaa and Kira Raa, they ask, "Are you ready to fully awaken from the dream? Ready or not, you are waking up!" They contend that we have a choice, choosing spiritual awakening over Armageddon. The other choices, love over judgement and authenticity over fear. Seems more assuring than doom and gloom. "You have the societal self and the spiritual self, and you must decide which one is sacred. Let your intuitive self become your authority (Bringers of The Dawn, Barbara Marcinak)." The challenge, to stay calm in the center of the storm. Fear based theories will probably start to inundate us up until December 31, 2012. Again, each and every day we all have a choice, to remain centered, follow our hearts and avoid the pitfalls of fear, worry and doubt. "No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path (Buddha)." It is our journey....each one of us can choose the path we desire. If fear is what you gravitate towards, that is your choice. Be aware of your choices however and understand that we are all here to grow and learn. In the book, The Great Shift, The Hathors' message is that, "It is so simple, it is forgotten....Find a way to live your life in joy and happiness." In the book, 2013, Jay Allen suggests, "I believe our future is in our own hands as we are all co-creators in the game of life, not only for our own futures, but the future of the world." Remember, children are going to be hearing about 2012 on television and in school. It is up to all of us to calm their fears. A new energy is upon us, so embrace the changes, try not to fear and continue to explore who you are and why you are here.
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