Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Beyond Measure

With Thanksgiving right around the corner, I cannot help but feel overwhelming gratitude in my heart for so many things in my life. I am incredibly grateful that I am here, living this life, learning and growing as an individual. Words alone cannot even begin to describe my gratitude for being here. I am grateful for every experience that I have ever had, for every joy, every pain, each loss, countless tears and lots of laughter, for all of it makes me who I am today. I am overwhelmed by the joy I feel in having three beautiful, amazing souls as my children. They teach me more and more every day in more ways than I ever imagined. I am grateful for every person I have had the pleasure to learn both heartfelt and painful lessons from. Each one of us plays a role in each persons life, often acting as a catalyst to help each other grow and learn lessons. With that said, I truly forgive everyone who has ever hurt me...those lessons are the toughest to get through, but teach us compassion, resiliency and builds emotional strength if you allow them to. I also apologize to anyone I have ever hurt.....and hope you know that I believe I played a role to help you grow and learn as well. Please forgive me however for any pain I may have caused. I am grateful for all of the twists and turns my life has taken, for the adventure has been character building and given me an interesting view. I am grateful for the opportunity to turn my lessons into guidance for others. I am grateful for each and every client that has ever walked through my doors. I appreciate the opportunity to provide guidance, give solace, help reflect and overall for your trust that I could help you in any way. I am grateful to that boss who fired me, because he was right, I was a terrible waitress and it pointed me in a different direction. I am grateful for having had several adults in my life growing up, whether blood related or not, who took the time to let me know that I mattered. I am grateful for a partner whom I learned more about myself with, experienced the adventures of parenthood with and whom backed me up, when I wanted to follow my dream. We have helped each other grow immeasurably. I am grateful for each and every day, for each one is a gift which offers new lessons and opportunities. I am grateful for the spectacular beauty of nature, which gives me a profound inner sense of balance and connects me to the deepest part of my soul. I am grateful for the inspiring music I listen to every day, for it revives my spirit and gives me hope. I am grateful for individuals who taught me about love, for that is one of the most powerful lessons of all. I am grateful beyond measure for the journey and that the lessons will go on and on until my life is over........What are you grateful for?

1 comment:

  1. Hey Denise,
    I am very grateful for my two beautiful boys who I love dearly. Also for my two nieces who I adore. I am grateful for my therapist. She has been there for me in many painful times and without her help ,I am not sure I would be here today. She is very kind,understanding and she had made me a stonger person. My boys are healthy and I am grateful for that.
    Another great blog Denise....
