"Every human being is the author of his own health or disease"...(Buddha). I always find that the journey of illness and health is a lesson of taking care of oneself. I watch so many people denying one owns health and the importance of focusing time and energy to stay healthy. I too have been guilty of working and staying busy, even when my body is trying to tell me to slow down. We all have so much to do that we deny the messages of our intuition, indicating that more rest may be needed. It seems that it is only when the symptoms are undeniable that people succumb to listening to their bodies, but often the symptoms are so severe at that point and may have manifested into major illnesses or disease. How many people have neglected early warning signs and ended up with migraine headaches, back problems, flu and infections all worsened by pushing through symptoms instead of slowing down earlier. I see it all of the time.....adults absolutely neglecting themselves. Many do not go to the doctor, but would have their child there at the first sign of a symptom. Many people go to work sick, even with fevers, chills and extreme pain, when they would have kept their children home for milder symptoms. I have done it myself, tried to will myself into health. Okay, there is positive thinking and there is denial. Once the symptoms kick in, rest and positive thinking are required. Symptoms are your bodies way of saying, "hey, we are under attack and need some rest to get through this." I have gotten much better at listening and respecting the messages my body tells me. I come across so many people who look exhausted, exhibiting clear signs of illness as they say, "hey, I have no time to get sick." Well, the body will get your attention, one way or another. Clearly at that point, the more you ignore the symptoms, the more likely it is that you will be hit harder. I have also counseled many individuals who have used illnesses to get attention. In those cases, their underlying emotional insecurities prevented them from getting healthy. Either way, whether people are using illnesses to fulfill needs or neglecting themselves, either way their emotions drastically affect their approach to health and wellness. Bernie Siegel MD, revolutionized the idea that your thoughts and feelings affect your bodies ability to respond to cancer and treatments in his book, Love, Medicine and Miracles. In the book by Caroline Myss and Dr. Norman Shealy, The Creation of Health, they reflect on the deep connection between emotional dysfunction and physical illness. The book describes the role that emotional disturbances play in the most common diseases and ailments, from influenza, the common cold, and arthritis to diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. The mind-body connection is more of a mainstreamed concept these days and the holistic alternative healing arena is now a billion dollar industry. Commonly cited examples of alternative medicine include naturopathy, chiropractic, herbalism, traditional Chinese medicine, Ayurveda, Reiki, meditation, yoga, biofeedback, hypnosis, homeopathy, acupuncture, and diet-based therapies, in addition to a range of other practices. The root idea to alternative medicine is that the body displays symptoms rooted in emotional and physical dysfunction. One cannot be addressed without looking at the other as the mind and body are one, affecting each other, not separate from one another. We all know that pain, injury and illness certainly affect our emotions and concurrently, our thoughts and feelings affect our physical health. So with that said, take care of your health. As for me, I am resting today, napping, watching movies and reflecting. I have the flu and have heeded the warnings to slow down and follow my own advice. When symptoms start to appear, get some rest, see a doctor or research alternative options. Overall, preventative care is always the best approach by eating well, exercising, taking care of your emotional wellness, relaxation, rest and a good laugh. The journey to optimal health is in your hands......are you taking good care of yourself?
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