The journey of life is full of lessons, many of which are difficult, but the reward....the lesson of good clean fun. What would it all be for if we couldn't have fun! When my oldest, now nine was three, I asked him what he liked about being here. His answer was simple, "I like all the stuff." He still loves the toys, especially Lego's and of course his DSi. My daughter likes being here to play and socialize. The toys never really appealed to her. My youngest is a combination of the two, he likes his toys but equally loves to socialize. We also call him Casanova because he loves to kiss and hug. I'll have to keep a very close eye on him when he reaches adolescence. My kids picked a good mommy this time around, because I am the queen of fun. My girlfriend recently joked that she is going to pick me as her mom in her next life. I love to take the kids on weekend trips, outings bowling, mini-golfing and to the movies. We are heading to Disney World this week for lots and lots of fun. Sometimes fun does not have to cost a lot of money. We absolutely love to play card games like hearts. As soon as my kids could hold the cards, they were at the table playing with us. Baking cookies is fun, the cost is minimal and of course the end result is yummy. Dancing around the living room is fun and helps the kids sleep better at night. Music is just lots of fun anyway, whether it's dancing incognito around the house, out at a club or going to a concert. Backyard camp outs are free and lots of fun. Yeah, my back kinda aches after sleeping in the fort, but it's worth it. My girlfriend has lots of fun playing catch with her kids. I look on Facebook and lots of people look like they are having fun. I notice that sports are a big past time for many. I grew up in a household of all girls, so sporting events never made my list of fun things to do. I also notice on Facebook that many others are traveling to cool places, having fun with their kids and family and some are even sky diving. All of those things sound like lots of fun. I enjoyed the movie Yes Man, because a formerly "poor me" guy turns into a social maniac, when he begins to say yes to life and starts having fun. Life is about so many things, but without fun, it can get pretty boring and monotonous. Going with the flow can be fun, when you allow fun to be with any opportunity, especially when it is something unexpected. Why can't we have fun everyday. I notice too many people so serious all the time. A mom at the pediatricians office was chastising her son for having too much fun. He was just making quiet noises, while he was playing with the train set. I've counseled many individuals who told me how they were yelled at as kids for playing too loudly, laughing too much or getting too excited. No wonder so many people are afraid to have fun. They were conditioned to be quiet, be serious and stop being so childish. Oh come on.....let's all be a little childish! So this week when I am at Disney, you can bet I will be screaming louder than my kids! That is why Disney is so appealing, because it brings out the child in all of us. My motto, have fun as often as possible, not only at Disney. Life is an adventure, full of ups and downs, so never ever forget, to have lots of fun along the way! "In between goals is a thing called life that has to be lived and enjoyed"...(Sid Caesar).
Hi Denise, I just stumbled onto your blog and was excited when I read that you and your girlfriend took the kids to Disney World (and over the holiday!!!)
ReplyDeleteI like thinking that I'm the "fun" half of my relationship too and I can so relate to your girlfriend wanting you as her mom in her next life!
If you don't mind sharing, can you tell me what roadblocks you ran across conceiving as a same sex couple, or did you adopt?
Hi Joan,
ReplyDeleteWell, actually I am heterosexual and married. I meant my friend who is a girl, but I can understand how it could be taken in another way. It is all a matter of perspective. Either way though, I have counseled some same sex couples. Glad to hear you know how to have fun with your kids, like I do! Kids benefit from having adults in their lives willing to be fun and crazy sometimes!