Last night I was feeling adventurous, so the kids and I decided to camp outside in our backyard fort. It was 40 degrees, but what the heck. Armed with our new sleeping bags, pillows, and flashlights, we headed out to the fort. We all got cozy and told ghost stories. I think I may have gotten a little carried away with my ghost story about a bobcat and mummies. The kids have been worried about the rumor of a bobcat roaming the woods around our house. Hey, we have wild turkeys, rabbits, deer, skunk, foxes, possums, and squirrels.....so why not a bobcat. My story had the bobcat protecting our fort and keeping the mummies at bay. Nothing too violent or gory, just enough to get the wide eyes and a slight scream when I grabbed their arms. It was all in good fun. It started to pour around midnight, so we got to test the dryness of the fort. The fort leaked alright, but luckily we stayed warm and dry with our waterproof sleeping bags. The best part of the night, snuggling up with my kids. Absolutely priceless. They are only young once, so while they actually still want to cuddle, I will not miss out on the opportunity. So many parents miss out on golden opportunities to have fun spending time with their children. I watch time and time again, parents in a variety of situations, not engaging with their kids. Parents will bask in the sun while their kids are swimming in the pool or building sand castles at the beach. Parents will be on their cell phones, while their children are playing at the park or they refuse to participate in board games or cards with their kids. Too many adults have forgotten what it is like to play and take adulthood way too seriously. The Webster's dictionary describes play to: engage in recreation, frolic and to handle and behave lightly or absentmindedly. Whether you have kids or not, being playful and spontaneous is so important to counter balance all of the responsibilities of being a grown up. Every day should be amusing and joyful in some way. Life is only as heavy and stressful as you make it! "A wise man, recognizing that the world is but an illusion, does not act as if it is real, so he escapes the suffering (Buddha)." Kids live each day in the present moment and if you allow them to, they will always find time to play and enjoy themselves. Last night at dinner, when we were at a Hibachi restaurant, I finally noticed some adults having fun. Unfortunately, it was the adults with Scorpion bowls or numerous drinks whom had smiles on their faces! No surprise there. The lesson......take life and yourself a little less seriously. Get out and play more each and every day, without needing a Scorpion bowl to do it! If your kids ask for a backyard camp out, dig out the sleeping bags and make it happen. Our daily purpose and goal should be to find happiness in all the things that we do. We are off to have more good times together to see the movie, "Where The Wild Things Are." Having fun with my kids always makes me happy. What makes you happy?
Hey Denise,
ReplyDeleteI have alot of fun with my boys. Saturday night while my 12 yr old slept at his friends, my 8 yr old and I made a fort in the living room. We used about 10 blankets and several comforters. We played card games in there,we had snacks and it was just fun being together. You could not even walk in the living room because the fort was that big. My son was so happy that we slept in the fort that night.
Another time I played football with my boys in the rain and mud. We got so dirty and muddy. My neighbors were watching us and some of them said that I was crazy for getting all wet and dirty. We had so much fun though. I noticed that some of my neighbors do not do anything with their kids. They are just too much into themselves. Kids are only young once and before we know it they will not want to do anything with us. I love doing fun and adventerous things with my boys. It keeps me young too.
Good blog Denise,
Keep on having fun Kelley!! Good for you. Your boys are lucky to have a mom like you.