Listening to a song tonight about the importance of love, I couldn't help but think about loved one's we have lost. Everyone has had losses in their life. My grandfather, Grandpa Bunny we called him, died of cancer when I was 18 years old. Even though it has been many years since he left this life, I often think about him and can still feel the love he had for me. We always carry the love we have for other's and they for us, in our hearts. It never dies and time can never erase it. I have counseled many individuals through difficult losses of their loved ones. After the dust settles and they have learned to cope with the loss, you can always see in their eyes the love they carry for them. Loss is a huge lesson in life. Dealing with loss is about the living. The one's we have lost leave a hole in our lives and it can take some time to adjust to their departure. Some have a very difficult time with loss and struggle with moving on. Holding on can cause such pain and heartache for the bereaved. The lesson, trusting life and loss. Holding onto the pain, keeps you in limbo. Letting go does not mean forgetting. One woman I counseled who lost her mother, worried that if she did not continually suffer from pain, she would be forgetting her. Some feel guilty when they begin to move on and feel less pain. People often hold onto pain by not dealing with it at all. All too often I come across those who refuse to talk about the loss and completely shut down their emotions. They are holding on too. The loved one's lost would not want people to suffer endlessly from their departure. Honoring the pain within is important, holding onto the pain endlessly is futile. People often have a difficult time with the concept of letting go. Letting go is the process of healing, but letting go is really about moving on, carrying them with you in your heart as you move forward with your life. Living your life is truly honoring them. Acknowledging the stages of emotions around a loss and paying tribute to the life of a loved one can be an important part of healing. Running in 5K's in their honor, dedicating park benches, participating in a bereavement group, tree lighting ceremonies and such can really help individuals process the pain. As the saying goes, time heals all wounds. The wounds may heal, but we never forget. Each life leaves such a unique imprint on the people they touched and for that, they are always with us. I send out a special blessing to all of the loved one's we have lost. May they be our guiding light and forever shine in our hearts and souls.
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