Running out to get coffee this morning, the 73 degree weather and glaring sun, reminded me instantly that I am not in Connecticut anymore. The energy in California is so completely different than the east coast. I spent the first 25 years of my life in CA and had taken for granted the consistently warm weather. We all are so affected by the places we live. Call it, the Feng Shui of the climate. Right now on the east coast, I have a handful of clients suffering from seasonal affect disorder, which causes mild depression in individuals due to the decreased sunlight, colder temps and shorter days. Clearly, the downside of colder climates is that we tend to hibernate more throughout the winter versus the more active lifestyle you can have in warmer climates. There is something nice about a snow storm however. School gets cancelled, I cancel clients and we all stay home and bake cookies and play in the snow. The snow can get old however, when you are slipping on the ice in the driveway, it's bitter cold and you are shivering in your car until the heat finally kicks in. Autumn on the east coast is breathtaking. The colors are spectacular and feel like a gift from god. I love baking a fresh apple pie with apples we got from the farm across the street, while you look outside and see the leaf covered ground. There is just something about Halloween on the east coast, with the cold crisp air, going pumpkin picking, surrounded by the fall colors. Christmas is pretty special on the east coast too. It truly feels like the holidays when you are listening to White Christmas and there is actually snow on the ground and you have your fireplace going. While I was growing up in CA, it always felt a bit strange when you had a 70 degree Christmas and you could head to the beach after opening your gifts. Just doesn't feel the same. I have learned to really appreciate the summers and warmer weather being in Connecticut. Once the spring hits on the east coast, we all get so excited about the prospect of summer coming. The kids can feel it in the air too and we all look forward to all of the things we will do once the weather warms up. On the east coast, we all seem to fill up all of our weekends in the summer with activities, because we are counting the days until the weather shifts to cold again. I have really learned to value each season and to appreciate what each season teaches us. The lessons of the fall, letting go of old belief patterns and honoring change. Winter teaches us the process of introspection, rest, withdrawal and going within. The Spring is about new beginnings, emerging anew and exciting possibilities. Summer teaches us the value of fun, play, activities, socializing and enjoying the sunshine. I guess I had to experience the east coast to understand the lessons of the seasons, but the California weather sure feels good today. I know that when I move back to CA, I will never take the weather for granted again. Where we live in teaches us all to find the best that our climates seem to offer us. Really enjoy where you live and find the joy in your surroundings. Don't complain endlessly about the long winters in cold climates. Instead, enjoy the beauty of it and value the activities the snow offers, like skiing, snow boarding, sledding and snow shoeing. In warm climates, don't ever take the 73 degree days for granted. Really value all that the consistent sun allows and head to the higher elevations once in awhile, just to experience the glory of the fall and winter. As for me, I'm heading out with my iced coffee in hand, wearing shorts, about to go for a long walk and I am absolutely thankful for this beautifully warm day!
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